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Sean Tinnion is now offering online mentoring for composers who want to learn more about scoring for the screen. He offers a number of different options from one off sessions to ongoing lessons. See below for further information. 


One off mentoring session (One Hr) __________ $85 USD

This session can be used for whatever it is you want mentoring on.




* A composition you're wanting to create or perhaps a piece of music you have started and are struggling to finish.

* The use and manipulation of samples libraries and electronic music. 

* A film, documentary, advert etc that you are in the middle of scoring and want advice on how best to approach certain scenes. 

* A film, documentary, advert etc that you are about to start and would like some mentoring before beginning on the production. 

On-going sessions (3 or more) 60 min - 90 min each __________ $60 USD

These sessions can be used for skill growth and learning on one or more of the following topics: 


* Cinematic composition 

* Drum writing / sequencing 

* Logic Pro 

* Sample library manipulation 

* A project of your own that you would like mentoring on


Film Scoring Course One: Scoring a drama (6 weeks) __ $320 USD 

This is a 6 week course in which you will have the opportunity to score an original short drama film from start to finish. With one hour weekly sessions with Sean to mentor you through the project. You will be set the task of tackling one or two cues from the film each week and will present your work in the one hour sessions where you will have the opportunity to gain advice and insight from Sean before tackling the next cue/cues.

Film Scoring Course Two: Scoring a horror (6 weeks) __ $320 USD

This is a 6 week course in which you will have the opportunity to score an original short horror film from start to finish. With one hour weekly sessions with Sean to mentor you through the project. You will be set the task of tackling one or two cues from the film each week and will present your work in the one hour sessions where you will have the opportunity to gain advice and insight from Sean before tackling the next cue/cues.

Film Scoring Course Three: Scoring an animation (6 weeks)__ $320 USD

This is a 6 week course in which you will have the opportunity to score an original short animated thriller film from start to finish. With one hour weekly sessions with Sean to mentor you through the project. You will be set the task of tackling one or two cues from the film each week and will present your work in the one hour sessions where you will have the opportunity to gain advice and insight from Sean before tackling the next cue/cues.

Before starting any of the film scoring courses above, you will have the opportunity to attend a 30 min FREE online session with Sean to ask any questions you may have or to simply have a chat before diving into the course! 

Email Sean to find out more and to schedule sessions:

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